
Hours got cut because a coworker of mine complained about me.

I’m honestly not sure if this belongs here, but this literally just happened and I need to put it somewhere. I work at a sub shop for the fast food minimum wage in my state. The place is a shit show to be honest, and I always feel like I’m killing myself; picking up extra shifts, going in early and staying late for my scheduled shifts, functioning as if I’m 3 different people when I’m there, etc. I’m currently looking for another job because I honestly can’t deal with it anymore. The only thing that’s worth it is the fact that it generates some sort of income, even though it’s small. I went into work early today because they asked me to and I wasn’t doing anything so fuck it. It was ridiculously busy when I clocked in, so I just washed my hands and jumped right onto the line.…

I’m honestly not sure if this belongs here, but this literally just happened and I need to put it somewhere.
I work at a sub shop for the fast food minimum wage in my state. The place is a shit show to be honest, and I always feel like I’m killing myself; picking up extra shifts, going in early and staying late for my scheduled shifts, functioning as if I’m 3 different people when I’m there, etc. I’m currently looking for another job because I honestly can’t deal with it anymore. The only thing that’s worth it is the fact that it generates some sort of income, even though it’s small.
I went into work early today because they asked me to and I wasn’t doing anything so fuck it. It was ridiculously busy when I clocked in, so I just washed my hands and jumped right onto the line. A couple hours later when it died down I was able to take a look at the new schedule that was posted on my day off.
They crossed off my original shifts and shortened every single one by 2 hours. My hours already took a hit recently because they’ve been cutting back on labor costs, so now I’m looking at a 23 hour work week, which feels like an absolute waste of time. I remember getting a minimum of 40 hours just a couple months ago. My rent just increased by almost $100 a month. I can’t afford to waste my time on a job that isn’t fulfilling my needs when I’m pouring almost all of my free time into that place.
The worst part of it all, I pulled the assistant store manager to the side to ask why, and it’s apparently because another employee complained about my attitude?? I’m very to myself for the most part; I joke and stuff with the coworkers I’m comfortable with, but generally I don’t really talk to anyone. I could understand if this was a recurring issue that had been addressed with me in the past and they still haven’t seen improvement but this is the first I’m hearing of any of this. The assistant manager said that it was either cut my hours or fire me. I told her she should’ve just fired me.

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