
How a $2 Dollar Raise Cost Me Over 1000 Dollars a Month

Im a decent worker here in the south at a very physically demanding job making 11.00 an hour. I was able to get 180 bucks in food stamps and free healthcare. I AM A TYPE 1 DIABETIC SO FREE HEALTHCARE HAS BEEN A BLESSING/ AMAZING. Well was amazing… I Got a 2 dollar raise and reported it to my state agency's. I immediately regretted it. I lost my food stamps and worse than anything I lost my free state funded insurance and was put into a different tier with deductibles etc. I now have to pay for 30/50 dollars to see my PCP and Endocrinologist who I see monthly. On top of that my Insulin and Diabetic supplies went from 30 dollars to about 672 dollars total monthly. I literally broke down at the pharmacy Tuesday. Me and the Pharm Tech tried everything from GoodRX codes to coupons trying to…

Im a decent worker here in the south at a very physically demanding job making 11.00 an hour. I was able to get 180 bucks in food stamps and free healthcare. I AM A TYPE 1 DIABETIC SO FREE HEALTHCARE HAS BEEN A BLESSING/ AMAZING. Well was amazing… I Got a 2 dollar raise and reported it to my state agency's. I immediately regretted it. I lost my food stamps and worse than anything I lost my free state funded insurance and was put into a different tier with deductibles etc. I now have to pay for 30/50 dollars to see my PCP and Endocrinologist who I see monthly. On top of that my Insulin and Diabetic supplies went from 30 dollars to about 672 dollars total monthly. I literally broke down at the pharmacy Tuesday. Me and the Pharm Tech tried everything from GoodRX codes to coupons trying to get the cost down. Even contacted the manufacturers. I walked out with nothing and have been rationing my last vial. 6 shots a day has turned to 2.

I'm working in southern humidity and heat with 500+ sugar levels. My job is saying “Ever since that raise you've been slacking” and “Maybe we should talk about your future”. I've also received write ups for low production. They don't even know I'm dying… A coworker informed me of a past similar situation in which the sick worker was eventually let go… SO EVEN IF I tell the boss what's truly going on he will find a reason to fire me being that I'm a pass out hazard that could possibly cost him money. Also I'm in a “right to work” state so they don't need a reason to let you go. Good look at getting unemployment in these states also. Im blessed to have a job and given a raise but wasnt ready for what came with it.

Honestly Im probably going to die trying to ration my insulin or worse get fired. Only in America can a $2 raise cost your life. The stories you read of people who die trying to buy cheaper brands of insulin/ration what they have are true. I'm next, doubt the boss will care however. He will just hope it's not on his clock so he's not liable… If I don't update this in 6 months blow this up so more don't suffer OR in hopes that somebody up the ladder will have a change of heart.

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