
How am I supposed to fit it all in one day?!

Just started my second ever full time job, although the previous was work from home and basically nothing to do between tasks so you could live your life… So basically my first full time. The reason being that I'm disabled and have therefore found it difficult to find and sustain full time roles. I just want to know how am I supposed to fit it all in?! An hour either way for your commute, a full day of hard work for 8 and a half hours, the gym, cook your own healthy food, plan and shop for the food, socialise, a hobby to keep your brain stimulated, sleep, maintain a healthy relationship. Some, ontop of this also have to take care of kids, pets or sick relatives or partners These are all the things we need to be “healthy” or seen as functioning in society, to have enough money to…

Just started my second ever full time job, although the previous was work from home and basically nothing to do between tasks so you could live your life… So basically my first full time.

The reason being that I'm disabled and have therefore found it difficult to find and sustain full time roles.

I just want to know how am I supposed to fit it all in?!

An hour either way for your commute, a full day of hard work for 8 and a half hours, the gym, cook your own healthy food, plan and shop for the food, socialise, a hobby to keep your brain stimulated, sleep, maintain a healthy relationship. Some, ontop of this also have to take care of kids, pets or sick relatives or partners

These are all the things we need to be “healthy” or seen as functioning in society, to have enough money to live. But if you are disabled there's other things in your day that you need to fit in. For example, I have hours a day in complete sensory deprivation to cope with the sensory and social aspects of my day so I don't have a complete break down (when it's really bad nearly full days) and that's to recover from part time work. I don't understand how someone without a disability doesn't burn out, stay emotionally healthy and not using some kind of stimulant drug to even have the energy. How are you all able to be good parents and functioning people. And all of it for what? Because most of us aren't able to even save for anything and just getting through every month finding the money to feed and eat yourself is a constant anxiety.

It's so depressing.

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