
how an old coworker got back at the corporation that fucked him over.

A few years back I worked maintence at a huge distribution company one of three in the US. My maintence lead worked his ass off for 20 years to finally over see all of this area. He wrote every protocol for them and made sure everything ran smoothly. What people don't know is there is alot of hidden drama working for a huge company. The top 3 lead maintence techs petitioned and got way more pay than this multibillion dollar corporation thought they were worth. So for years they were trying to fire everyone making above what they deemed they were worth. Since no one else could do their job they spent alot of time trying. Instead of just saying we can't afford to lose these techs with 20 years they hired an outside person to shadow and watch them and hired another person whom the shadow would report to…

A few years back I worked maintence at a huge distribution company one of three in the US. My maintence lead worked his ass off for 20 years to finally over see all of this area. He wrote every protocol for them and made sure everything ran smoothly. What people don't know is there is alot of hidden drama working for a huge company. The top 3 lead maintence techs petitioned and got way more pay than this multibillion dollar corporation thought they were worth. So for years they were trying to fire everyone making above what they deemed they were worth. Since no one else could do their job they spent alot of time trying. Instead of just saying we can't afford to lose these techs with 20 years they hired an outside person to shadow and watch them and hired another person whom the shadow would report to and then look through thousands or policies and safety to find a reason to fire these techs. Eventually they made up some bs about who working on something all three senior techs did a step wrong and were all fired no questions asked. They hired two people to fire three without replacements. Fast forward a few weeks a truck driver drove over a light pole knowing it down in the parking lot. Live electrical no one knew how to turn it off and half of the factory went down. No one had blue prints no one knew how to do anything with electrical or even where the breakers were to shut down and make things safe again. This happened on my weekend over night shift they couldn't find anyone to come out. Multi billion dollar business crippled every second they homoridged money they called my lead they fired and asked him to help but guess what he wasn't an employer there so they wanted him to talk it through on FaceTime free of charge at 230am on Sunday morning. He refused said either they make him a consultant and pay him 1500 and hour with a 4 hour minimum or they could continue to lose millions a minute not to mention the live electrical wires. He ended up making 6000 for 35 minutes of work. They wasted so much money fighting to fire the lead techs and to hire people to find reasons to fire him all because they didn't want to pay him 7 dollars more an hour than this huge corporation deemed was an acceptable pay.

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