
How are restaurants/stores allowed to throw away so much perfectly good food and not get in trouble for it?

This is more of a rant. This makes me MAD! I am in a geography course at the moment and it is currently talking about over-consumption and Sustainable Development Goals. I know people in general often overindulge, but I think restaurants and other food stores are a major/bigger part of the problem. At my old work (We sold bulk foods). We would have to throw out over 100 KILOGRAMS of food/candy that was perfectly fine to be donated elsewhere or taken by employees, but we weren't allowed to take it. It used to make me so mad because it could be donated to the homeless or to someone who needs it. My brother has worked at 3 restaurants, all of which throw out left-over/uncooked food left and right and the employees are not allowed to take it either, and are often threatened with termination if they want to take it.…

This is more of a rant.

This makes me MAD! I am in a geography course at the moment and it is currently talking about over-consumption and Sustainable Development Goals. I know people in general often overindulge, but I think restaurants and other food stores are a major/bigger part of the problem.

At my old work (We sold bulk foods). We would have to throw out over 100 KILOGRAMS of food/candy that was perfectly fine to be donated elsewhere or taken by employees, but we weren't allowed to take it. It used to make me so mad because it could be donated to the homeless or to someone who needs it.

My brother has worked at 3 restaurants, all of which throw out left-over/uncooked food left and right and the employees are not allowed to take it either, and are often threatened with termination if they want to take it. My Fiance and his brothers have worked at a few restaurants and have said the same thing.

Why the heck are they allowed to get away with this? Why can they threaten termination when you just want to not waste food, which we already do at a rapid rate?

This geography course breaks my heart because this is a real problem that is not talked about enough! I just thought about these restaurants that would rather not let anyone have anything rather than give it to those who need it. It's selfish. I hate it.

I donate all my old clothes, I donate expired/past date food or if I know I won't eat something I got, then I give it to other people. Why can't restaurants and other food stores do the same?

Gawd… It just makes me hate humanity…

Source: “Environmental Change and Challenge” – Phillip Deardon, Bruce Mitchell and Erin O'Connell (Page 40)

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