
How are we just supposed to pretend?

As though as women we have no rights? How do I just show up to work and not just scream and cry? I work in a male dominated field with lots of “good ol boys” and I’ve been wearing pro choice shirts each day to work (and leaving early for protests). But I just can’t focus on anything. How do we just smile and go on with life when I’ve been told I have no rights? That my rapist would serve less jail time than me? That birth control is soon to be regulated. I can’t do this y’all.

As though as women we have no rights? How do I just show up to work and not just scream and cry? I work in a male dominated field with lots of “good ol boys” and I’ve been wearing pro choice shirts each day to work (and leaving early for protests). But I just can’t focus on anything. How do we just smile and go on with life when I’ve been told I have no rights? That my rapist would serve less jail time than me? That birth control is soon to be regulated. I can’t do this y’all.

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