I work for a Motel. I never miss work unless I’m actually sick or something is happening with family. Recently, I missed a week of work being in the hospital with some nasty flu. Fast forward to this week. Our lovely Grandpa passed. I had two days off set, and I requested an extra for the memorial. I come back from the memorial, and find myself sicker than ever. I call out of work yesterday. I wake up today, and I’m sicker than a dog. I call out again, but this time my boss says he’s taking me off the schedule until I can bring a doctors note. Which is fine, I have nothing to hide, but when I tried to make an appointment, they’re so far out I can’t be seen until the 30th. I have no idea what to do, I’m devastated. I work so hard, and I try to make it known I respect my job. Is there anywhere I can go for a doctors note, or what can I do?