
How can I get my job to change my insurance effective date?

I enrolled in benefits on October 20, however, I was informed that the effective date was retroed back to September 28 (my start date) “in case I ended up in the hospital” and while I know this is true it seems like a con kind of because it makes me eligible to be charged for September and Octobers full premium. I specifically enrolled on October 20 to start my coverage from that date but they are retro charging me. Is this legal? How can I get my company to change this. Any helps appreciated the charge for 2 months is about $1000! TLDR: Job changed medical insurance start date to 9/28 to charge me for 2 months extra.

I enrolled in benefits on October 20, however, I was informed that the effective date was retroed back to September 28 (my start date) “in case I ended up in the hospital” and while I know this is true it seems like a con kind of because it makes me eligible to be charged for September and Octobers full premium. I specifically enrolled on October 20 to start my coverage from that date but they are retro charging me. Is this legal? How can I get my company to change this. Any helps appreciated the charge for 2 months is about $1000!

TLDR: Job changed medical insurance start date to 9/28 to charge me for 2 months extra.

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