
How can I help my coworkers?

Hi all, I work in CA in hospitality. I just found out that my coworkers make $18.50 TOPS hourly as housekeepers as compared to my $23 hourly as the innkeeper (with commission on inn sales, up to $800 per month). They work so much harder than I do everyday and I see that their physical labor is valued so much lower than my mental labor. It pisses me off because I have done both kinds of labor in my life and I know that the bs I am doing now is so much easier than what they have to do everyday now. Here’s the background: I just got my 10 year bachelor’s degree in Hotel Management but most of my previous education is in English Literature and Chicano Literature. I’ve spent a lot of time critically thinking about inequality in the value of labor and to hear my primarily Spanish…

Hi all, I work in CA in hospitality. I just found out that my coworkers make $18.50 TOPS hourly as housekeepers as compared to my $23 hourly as the innkeeper (with commission on inn sales, up to $800 per month). They work so much harder than I do everyday and I see that their physical labor is valued so much lower than my mental labor. It pisses me off because I have done both kinds of labor in my life and I know that the bs I am doing now is so much easier than what they have to do everyday now.

Here’s the background: I just got my 10 year bachelor’s degree in Hotel Management but most of my previous education is in English Literature and Chicano Literature. I’ve spent a lot of time critically thinking about inequality in the value of labor and to hear my primarily Spanish speaking coworker say that she is earning $4.50 less per hour than I am, even though she has been with the same company for 10 years, makes my blood boil.

She is bilingual, hardworking, and clearly loyal to stay with this company for so long (I’ve only been here for a year!!! As a young white woman!!).

What in the hell can I do to help her 1) demand a higher wage, even at the detriment of my own (my impending marriage set up allows me to only pay $800 per month and I’d rather see someone else succeed with my $$ that I don’t need 2) help her find a position at a company that respects her more (I have skills in coaching people to interview for better jobs, I think our Spanglish communication could still be helpful in finding her skill~relevant employment, or 3) politically advocate for the respect of minimum wage “unskilled” (I refuse to call anyone that!) laborers.

Lmk, I am heated and need to find a productive description for fellow coworkers.
— them/they
fxx you if you can’t get it right

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