
How can I report an US employer to the department of labor if I work remote for his company?

I'm working for an employer in the US who has a digital company, he hires mostly people from other countries because it's cheaper labor and he's also a cheapskate. I'm from a third world country, and I work for him for X10 less money he'd have to pay an American for the same job. I'm not under a contract because he refused to give me a contract, but we are on a verbal and written agreement of full time job. Now this guy is giving me unpaid “weeks off” when he doesn't have enough work (he can always overwork his other slaves anyway). This pisses me off because I depend on this job to eat and to pay rent. As per the laws of my country (and I think US too, correct me if I'm wrong) he must pay me a retainer salary for the days I'm not working since…

I'm working for an employer in the US who has a digital company, he hires mostly people from other countries because it's cheaper labor and he's also a cheapskate.

I'm from a third world country, and I work for him for X10 less money he'd have to pay an American for the same job. I'm not under a contract because he refused to give me a contract, but we are on a verbal and written agreement of full time job.

Now this guy is giving me unpaid “weeks off” when he doesn't have enough work (he can always overwork his other slaves anyway). This pisses me off because I depend on this job to eat and to pay rent. As per the laws of my country (and I think US too, correct me if I'm wrong) he must pay me a retainer salary for the days I'm not working since I wasn't hired as a freelancer but as a full-time employee. I requested him this and he just ghosts me and changes the topic.

Now, I wanna leave this job, but he doesn't pay severance payment either, when he's fired employees in the past who were supposedly “full time employees”, the manager just tells them the news and kicks them out of the chat.

I think this isn't legal, is it? And if so, is there a way I as a non American can report this kind of unfairness? I'd really appreciate if someone can help me out.

EDIT: I still have access to company emails and all the chats where we agreed on full time work, as well as the things he does to others employees to rip them off.

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