
How can I stop being a people pleaser?

I have this terrible habit of answering my bosses when I'm off the clock, taking shifts I wasn't scheduled for even though I'd rather not, et cetera. I do not get paid enough for that, the shifts are long and tiresome, and I cannot stop doing this. I think it's probably because they are aware I'm leaving the company soon as I'm moving away (which I didn't even want them to know but it got out somehow), and they have made sure to let me know I'm expendable and if I'm not bending over backwards they'll let me go early. I know they don't give a fuck about me or my wellbeing but I still find it so hard to tell them no. Did anyone else have this habit? And how should I deal with it? On a side note I can't wait to quit this job because it sucks…

I have this terrible habit of answering my bosses when I'm off the clock, taking shifts I wasn't scheduled for even though I'd rather not, et cetera. I do not get paid enough for that, the shifts are long and tiresome, and I cannot stop doing this.

I think it's probably because they are aware I'm leaving the company soon as I'm moving away (which I didn't even want them to know but it got out somehow), and they have made sure to let me know I'm expendable and if I'm not bending over backwards they'll let me go early. I know they don't give a fuck about me or my wellbeing but I still find it so hard to tell them no.

Did anyone else have this habit? And how should I deal with it? On a side note I can't wait to quit this job because it sucks for many reasons.

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