
How come a respected union job with decent benefits can somehow have a worse vacation policy than retail?!

I've been looking into a new gig after being unemployed for a bit and I don't mind working with my hands, I'm a strong able bodied young man and being active will be good for me in the long run. I've gone through such hell in the five years I worked for a certian wholesale club with a deli (that didn't start out bad at all, but got much worse in recent years thanks to all our cool old managers leaving and replaced with managers who looked down at employees like they were less than dirt but didn't know how to do their OWN jobs properly…plus a fuckton of favoritism.) Somebody suggested UPS to me, and it seemed appealing to me. It wasn't like retail, you could show up, do your job, and leave. You had decent benefits, holidays off, You didn't have to deal with entitled ass Karens breathing…

I've been looking into a new gig after being unemployed for a bit and I don't mind working with my hands, I'm a strong able bodied young man and being active will be good for me in the long run. I've gone through such hell in the five years I worked for a certian wholesale club with a deli (that didn't start out bad at all, but got much worse in recent years thanks to all our cool old managers leaving and replaced with managers who looked down at employees like they were less than dirt but didn't know how to do their OWN jobs properly…plus a fuckton of favoritism.)

Somebody suggested UPS to me, and it seemed appealing to me. It wasn't like retail, you could show up, do your job, and leave. You had decent benefits, holidays off, You didn't have to deal with entitled ass Karens breathing down your neck or extreme micromanaging from bosses…And I was set to apply until I found out that you don't get ANY vacation time off until you've worked there for an entire year. An entire. fucking. year. And there's no unpaid time off either, unpaid time off is banging in sick. You can't bang in sick for 7 days in a row, they'll fire your ass no matter how hard you work!

It's just so fucked up when you think about it, my non union job in the service sector that put me through hell for five years of my life at least allowed me most, not all, but MOST of my requested time off, even if a portion of it was unpaid, they still allowed me time off. Of course this is all because in the U.S vacation time is not mandated by law, it's up to companies to make their own vacation policies and of course all companies give a shit about is their bottom line….

Honestly I don't know what the fuck to do anymore, I know I need a new job…I just want to have the same amount of free time that my parents have with their jobs. Their work doesn't prevent them from living their lives the way retail does….my Dad is suggesting I go back to school and get a different degree but I have no idea what to major in…I guess I'm just confused on what to do with my life.

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