
How do I address a major wage inequity with my company?

I started working at a major utilities company in mid-september. There is another girl working the same contract position I am working (same job title) but I do a lot of data validation and analysis work that carries more weight and responsibility than the communications work she does. She also began as a co-op student before she became a contractor, and she hasn’t graduated yet, whereas I have graduated with a degree. I asked her her hourly wage today, and learned that she is making $12.50/hr more than me. I have tried negotiating for more twice, and they have told me there is no budget for it. However, clearly there is. The first time I tried negotiating was after I received the job offer – they raised my wage from their initial offer by $2.50/hr. The second time I tried negotiating was after they extended the offer to extend my…

I started working at a major utilities company in mid-september. There is another girl working the same contract position I am working (same job title) but I do a lot of data validation and analysis work that carries more weight and responsibility than the communications work she does. She also began as a co-op student before she became a contractor, and she hasn’t graduated yet, whereas I have graduated with a degree.

I asked her her hourly wage today, and learned that she is making $12.50/hr more than me. I have tried negotiating for more twice, and they have told me there is no budget for it. However, clearly there is.

The first time I tried negotiating was after I received the job offer – they raised my wage from their initial offer by $2.50/hr. The second time I tried negotiating was after they extended the offer to extend my contract until April. I was told that there was no budget for a pay increase. However, the other girl told me that our manager (we share the same manager) had told her she could have a raise of $2.50/hr, when she transitioned form being a co op student to a contractor in September, the week before I started.

This girl is not comfortable with me bringing up her wage to our manager, but I looked it up and there is nothing illegal about discussing your pay, and in fact there are laws in my region protecting the right to do so. I am unsure about what to do. I think our pay gap is very unfair, and surprisingly vast, and I feel I have more experience and responsibility than her, and I have a degree, whereas she is still working towards hers.

Even as a co op, she started at $9 higher per hr than I make now, which is also significantly higher than what I make as a post-grad contractor.

If you have any thoughts, I’d love to hear them please! I feel very stuck, as I don’t want to step on anyones toes but I want to advocate for myself

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