
How do I approach a disciplinary meeting with my male boss

There's a whole story. I can update the post with it later if anyone wants to know. But very soon I (20sF) have a meeting with my boss. Yesterday I had a disagreement with another female coworker. She escalated and was very intimidating and told me no one would miss me if I left, madebpersonal attacks on my character etc. I tried to stay neutral and smooth things over later, but she had already made a complaint and cried, literally, to the boss. There have been massive issues with her manipulative behaviour and I've already given notice for this job. However its a small industry and I don't want to burn bridges. This is a massive dramatic mess which I have somehow got in the middle of after trying to keep everyone happy. I should have just kept my head down and my mouth shut. How do I talk to…

There's a whole story. I can update the post with it later if anyone wants to know. But very soon I (20sF) have a meeting with my boss. Yesterday I had a disagreement with another female coworker. She escalated and was very intimidating and told me no one would miss me if I left, madebpersonal attacks on my character etc. I tried to stay neutral and smooth things over later, but she had already made a complaint and cried, literally, to the boss.
There have been massive issues with her manipulative behaviour and I've already given notice for this job. However its a small industry and I don't want to burn bridges. This is a massive dramatic mess which I have somehow got in the middle of after trying to keep everyone happy. I should have just kept my head down and my mouth shut.

How do I talk to an older male boss? I'm not one to cry and manipulate, I just want things to be smoothed over, and deescalate this before this chick can end up manipulating them into blackballing me within the industry.

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