
How do I deal with overcompetitive/blame everything that moves environment in IT?

I realized no matter where I end up it's always the same thing. Developers get assigned tasks and due to legacy reasons/someone else's fuckup they are almost always forced to go defensive and to pretty much vindicate themselves in front of management. This usually entails blaming someone/something or coming up with (albeit valid) excuses. This is very tiresome and taxing but I feel like if I don't do this it is me who will be blamed and let go in the end. Anyone else experienced this?

I realized no matter where I end up it's always the same thing. Developers get assigned tasks and due to legacy reasons/someone else's fuckup they are almost always forced to go defensive and to pretty much vindicate themselves in front of management. This usually entails blaming someone/something or coming up with (albeit valid) excuses.

This is very tiresome and taxing but I feel like if I don't do this it is me who will be blamed and let go in the end.

Anyone else experienced this?

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