
How do I deal with this micromanaging POS?

I've been working for my employer for two years now. I joined at the start of the pandemic. The entire team, including management, works remotely. In these two years, I haven't had a single interaction with my manager's boss. I've had to work closely with my manager, and her treatment of me has gone from bad to worse. For around a year, it was just me doing an overwhelming majority of the work. I stuck to deadlines and performed well enough for them to give me a raise in 4 months. But work continued to increase and I was now doing two people's work. Every time I would bring this up to my manager, she would say I needed to “hustle” and work harder. Even the week before my wedding, I was working 10+ hour days. Things finally seemed to improve after they hired someone to help me. Me and…

I've been working for my employer for two years now. I joined at the start of the pandemic. The entire team, including management, works remotely. In these two years, I haven't had a single interaction with my manager's boss. I've had to work closely with my manager, and her treatment of me has gone from bad to worse.

For around a year, it was just me doing an overwhelming majority of the work. I stuck to deadlines and performed well enough for them to give me a raise in 4 months. But work continued to increase and I was now doing two people's work. Every time I would bring this up to my manager, she would say I needed to “hustle” and work harder. Even the week before my wedding, I was working 10+ hour days.

Things finally seemed to improve after they hired someone to help me. Me and the new person got along great. But the new employee soon realised we're together doing work that should be split between at least three people.

My manager isn't pleasant to work with. She micromanages constantly, hates accountability (so would give us very vague instructions so she can deflect blame in case of an issue), and seems to always have a reason to criticise what we do, despite the fact that we work really hard and have never had an issue with deadlines or performance. I also noticed that when my manager goes on breaks, we work a lot more efficiently.

Now, my coworker has given her notice. My manager has asked me to assign her more work and push her to finish more than what's reasonable during this period. My coworker is quitting due to a personal crisis and she can't possibly do anything more at this time. My manager also isn't communicating this directly to my coworker because she could take this to HR and create trouble for my manager. Instead, she wants me to do her dirty work.

I've been at this job for this long because, well, they allowed me to work remotely and the pay was not bad. But looking back, I've had almost zero training. Everything I know now, I learned on my own. I work harder than most people in my (larger) team and definitely much harder than my manager. At this point, Interactions with my extremely toxic manager are affecting my mental health. What are my options? Is there any thing I can do to get her off my back and keep my job or should I just quit?

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