
How do I get out of mandatory overtime?

Everyday I'm on the job I work 12 hours (factory work), and it's not bad. Where it gets bad is whenever the shift after me is short people, I'm forced to work a 16 hour shift. When I get that 16 hour shift I then have 8 hours off before another 12 hour shift or another madatoried 16… It's running me ragged. When I get that 8 hours off, I only sleep like 3 or 4 hours. Unfortunately the mandatories often run concurrent to each other as well. Any tips to get out of this? I can't quit the job. What I'm thinking is there has to be something I can tell a doctor, right? Whether I exhaustion or problems with sleep?? I work with hot and sharp materials… Any advice would help, thank you…

Everyday I'm on the job I work 12 hours (factory work), and it's not bad. Where it gets bad is whenever the shift after me is short people, I'm forced to work a 16 hour shift. When I get that 16 hour shift I then have 8 hours off before another 12 hour shift or another madatoried 16…

It's running me ragged. When I get that 8 hours off, I only sleep like 3 or 4 hours. Unfortunately the mandatories often run concurrent to each other as well.

Any tips to get out of this? I can't quit the job. What I'm thinking is there has to be something I can tell a doctor, right? Whether I exhaustion or problems with sleep?? I work with hot and sharp materials…

Any advice would help, thank you…

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