
How do I get rid of the mentality/fear/overthinking that everything is my fault?

Standard disclaimer, I have autism, I work at a pretty big company, and (as I have posted on here before) like many others, my job/ daily tasks are fully dependent on idiots, if it wasn’t for them my tasks would not exist/my job would not exist. I am writing mid overthinking induced/panic attack so I apologise ahead of time I am not a cleaner/janitor but my tasks are janitorial in nature, I tidy up, I push in chairs, I clean meeting rooms etc Todays examples We still have wipes leftover from COVID that people still use, my job is to replace them daily, we have one person that uses them so frequently, on one floor, that I live in constant fear, that I am going to be blamed, for not doing my job. I replace the wipes at least 12-16 per floor, and on one floor in particular, in seconds…

Standard disclaimer,

  1. I have autism, I work at a pretty big company, and (as I have posted on here before) like many others, my job/ daily tasks are fully dependent on idiots, if it wasn’t for them my tasks would not exist/my job would not exist.

  2. I am writing mid overthinking induced/panic attack so I apologise ahead of time

I am not a cleaner/janitor but my tasks are janitorial in nature, I tidy up, I push in chairs, I clean meeting rooms etc

Todays examples

We still have wipes leftover from COVID that people still use, my job is to replace them daily, we have one person that uses them so frequently, on one floor, that I live in constant fear, that I am going to be blamed, for not doing my job. I replace the wipes at least 12-16 per floor, and on one floor in particular, in seconds they are gone.

I fear that my boss is going to accuse me of not putting them out on the floor, even though I know I am.

Another example

I also clean the whiteboards, during the day, if people had any common sense to do it, after their meetings were finished I would be out of a job, I also know that the cleaners at night, clean them, but not as thoroughly. We have rooms that don’t have a booking schedule, and recently people have been living in them, taking meetings lasting for far too long, it would have taken me seconds to clean the whiteboard, but I couldn’t because I leave at 5pm. I waited an extra 10 minutes, they continued, I had to go home.
I live in fear that I am going to get blamed for not doing my job properly/correctly because of other fucking people!!!!

Is there a way I can stop doing this to myself, and stop thinking like this, even though I am guessing, in hindsight, it is entirely justifiable to feel this shitty, and think like this.

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