
how do I know if my company is tracking my activity?

I have a work computer, and have worked at this company for 4 months, when I don't have anything to do, I scroll reddit, and since this is a calm period in the company, I literally sit and scroll reddit 8 hours a day, answering very few emails. I am very paranoid that I am going to be pulled aside one day and get a real bad slap on the wrist. Some information that could be useful: I have been doing this, since I started, and never been “caught”, I use the company wifi at work for my computer, I don't think they track our activity as another part of the job is going to appointments, some days I barely touch my computer because I am OOF all day, at appointments, which makes me believe, because of this they don't track activity. We use teams, the company is run by…

I have a work computer, and have worked at this company for 4 months, when I don't have anything to do, I scroll reddit, and since this is a calm period in the company, I literally sit and scroll reddit 8 hours a day, answering very few emails. I am very paranoid that I am going to be pulled aside one day and get a real bad slap on the wrist. Some information that could be useful:

I have been doing this, since I started, and never been “caught”, I use the company wifi at work for my computer, I don't think they track our activity as another part of the job is going to appointments, some days I barely touch my computer because I am OOF all day, at appointments, which makes me believe, because of this they don't track activity. We use teams, the company is run by older people, I have helped my boss open a pdf before.. again another reason I find it hard to believe the head office is tracking our activity.

My boss even knows I have nothing to do right now, so even if I stopped scrolling reddit during work hours, I would just be staring at a blank screen for hours on end and I think that would drive me crazy, so people who are way more tecchy and experienced at office jobs than I am, do you think my activity is being tracked, and if that's the case, what should I do for eight hours a day to stop me from blowing my brains out at the end of the day?

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