
How do I professionally say; “that is not my job”?

I'm a receptionist at a construction company. It's a small business, so job descriptions are pretty lax. Our technicians use a time tracking app to clock in. For some reason, I am in charge of keeping track of employee hours and making sure they are clocking in accurately and into the right job site (the app has our customers on them, so when they go to Bob's house, they clock into Bob, then switch to Nancy when they go to Nancy's, for example). If they aren't, I am the admin, and have the power to edit/delete/add them. Lately, the technicians have been SO BAD about clocking in (they'll be clocked into warehouse, even though they've gone to 4 job sites). I have told the owners over and over and nothing has changed. Today, one of the owners came up to me and said that I should set myself THREE alarms,…

I'm a receptionist at a construction company. It's a small business, so job descriptions are pretty lax. Our technicians use a time tracking app to clock in. For some reason, I am in charge of keeping track of employee hours and making sure they are clocking in accurately and into the right job site (the app has our customers on them, so when they go to Bob's house, they clock into Bob, then switch to Nancy when they go to Nancy's, for example). If they aren't, I am the admin, and have the power to edit/delete/add them.

Lately, the technicians have been SO BAD about clocking in (they'll be clocked into warehouse, even though they've gone to 4 job sites). I have told the owners over and over and nothing has changed. Today, one of the owners came up to me and said that I should set myself THREE alarms, one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one before closing and PERSONALLY CALL the technicians that aren't clocked in right and tell them to fix it. Every day. To every person that makes a mistake.

I told her, as the receptionist (who makes less than all of them), I do not feel comfortable managing anyone and enforcing any rules, as that doesn't fit my job description. I said, when I accepted this job, I was told I'd need to rectify some time sheets and that was fine. In no way was managing or enforcing any rules onto anyone else, especially people who make more than me. I also said this is more of a culture issue, as the owners have talked to the technicians themselves, and they still have not improved. I said, no one has to tell me to clock in everyday, but I do it (and I make $5/hr less than the technicians on average). She gave me a face like I was crazy.

I really don't feel like that is what I should be doing. Any advice on how to deal with this? Maybe on how to convey my reservations to her better?

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