
How Do I Professionally Tell My GM I Want A Raise?

So, My Job is a Joke. They are starting new hires at my rate and I've been here for a year. I'm a supervisor and long story short the other supervisor who started after me gots promoted to assistant manager doesn't do half the work I do and I'm clearly getting underpaid with the experience I have in this field for the last 6 years with the same company, different account. I'm currently doing way more work than the new supervisor we just hired who has no idea what she's doing because she has no background in this field at all so when she's working I'm doing 95% of the work anyways. How do I professionally tell my bosses boss I'm tired of being fucked over and I want a raise to match my experience and length of time I've been working for them? Also, currently looking for another job.…

So, My Job is a Joke. They are starting new hires at my rate and I've been here for a year. I'm a supervisor and long story short the other supervisor who started after me gots promoted to assistant manager doesn't do half the work I do and I'm clearly getting underpaid with the experience I have in this field for the last 6 years with the same company, different account. I'm currently doing way more work than the new supervisor we just hired who has no idea what she's doing because she has no background in this field at all so when she's working I'm doing 95% of the work anyways.

How do I professionally tell my bosses boss I'm tired of being fucked over and I want a raise to match my experience and length of time I've been working for them?

Also, currently looking for another job. I just want this to be on file they're pieces of shit.

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