
How do I quit? Help!

Long story short, the company I work for isn't really all that…. nice. They are actually quite toxic and time fraudy. But hey! At least we get food days once a quarter and breakfast once a month right? For a whole $14/hr. I just accepted a new job with essentially my dream company, more money, better health insurance day one, work from home, and they will pay my internet bills. I start in a week. I need that week to essentially 'ready' myself and my work space. I don't want to jump from job to job just over a weekend. I need time to adjust. I know this about myself. How to I quit without being the most disrespectful person ever? As a past manager, i get this move sucks. My anxiety is starting to get overwhelming.

Long story short, the company I work for isn't really all that…. nice. They are actually quite toxic and time fraudy. But hey! At least we get food days once a quarter and breakfast once a month right? For a whole $14/hr.

I just accepted a new job with essentially my dream company, more money, better health insurance day one, work from home, and they will pay my internet bills. I start in a week. I need that week to essentially 'ready' myself and my work space. I don't want to jump from job to job just over a weekend. I need time to adjust. I know this about myself.

How to I quit without being the most disrespectful person ever? As a past manager, i get this move sucks. My anxiety is starting to get overwhelming.

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