
How do I stop caring so much?

I'm temporary at my job, hoping that it will be extended. The pay is decent and I'm good at what I do, but… I've just done my 8 hours, am going home and will need to keep an eye out for another email that's coming through that needs to be done tonight. My bosses are passive aggressive. They say they care until i need time off and then they throw comments at me about how never takes time off and she has a new baby. Or has just been in hospital and he's back already. I know I'm taken for granted. I know I hold a whole half of the business up by myself by being reliable and a hard worker. But I have recently found out I have a health condition which in some countries qualifies as a disability. They don't care. How do I stop caring so much…

I'm temporary at my job, hoping that it will be extended. The pay is decent and I'm good at what I do, but… I've just done my 8 hours, am going home and will need to keep an eye out for another email that's coming through that needs to be done tonight.

My bosses are passive aggressive. They say they care until i need time off and then they throw comments at me about how never takes time off and she has a new baby. Or has just been in hospital and he's back already.

I know I'm taken for granted. I know I hold a whole half of the business up by myself by being reliable and a hard worker. But I have recently found out I have a health condition which in some countries qualifies as a disability.

They don't care.

How do I stop caring so much about doing a good job and saving everyone from themselves? Why do I even WANT them to extend my contract?

The only reason is money… I need money. This pays enough for me to live. I can do this job well.

But they also want a robot. Not a human.

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