
How do I stop feeling bad about mistakes that aren’t my fault?

I work part time at my local cafe, single mum to 3 kids. My boss can be a bit of an ass sometimes, and refuses to accept when he makes a mistake. So usually I cop the blame and results in me being kicked off the till, and feeling guilty for the rest of the day. I really really like my job here, it's a good mental break from being a parent and works for me with young kiddos. But I don't want it to rule my life and make me feel miserable. How do I move past this feeling? My town is small and jobs are scarce so not alot else going if I decide to quit.

I work part time at my local cafe, single mum to 3 kids.

My boss can be a bit of an ass sometimes, and refuses to accept when he makes a mistake. So usually I cop the blame and results in me being kicked off the till, and feeling guilty for the rest of the day. I really really like my job here, it's a good mental break from being a parent and works for me with young kiddos. But I don't want it to rule my life and make me feel miserable. How do I move past this feeling? My town is small and jobs are scarce so not alot else going if I decide to quit.

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