
How do I tell my employer I am not working weekends or anything beyond my normal schedule?

I started a new job recently and what I was told vs reality of the job is very different. The schedule varies week to week and they have tried to schedule me beyond the requested hours I discussed with them during negations including nights and weekends. Days off are rarely the same 2 weeks in a row. This week they gave me Monday and Tuesday off but scheduled me for Saturday and Sunday. Their is also a fair chance I might have to work 6+ days before my next day off. They say they “schedule based on business” and what we have booked. The whole job is a mess and I’m looking for something new. In the meantime what can I do to stop this?

I started a new job recently and what I was told vs reality of the job is very different. The schedule varies week to week and they have tried to schedule me beyond the requested hours I discussed with them during negations including nights and weekends. Days off are rarely the same 2 weeks in a row. This week they gave me Monday and Tuesday off but scheduled me for Saturday and Sunday. Their is also a fair chance I might have to work 6+ days before my next day off. They say they “schedule based on business” and what we have booked. The whole job is a mess and I’m looking for something new. In the meantime what can I do to stop this?

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