
How do I tell my manager not to promote me and find someone better?

I've recently started working for a company in the midwest. Pay is horrible and corporate gives absolutely zero fucks for the hardships employees endure under their 'direction'. My manager is a good guy, very nice, constantly fighting for higher wages for workers because he realizes the awful pay has left him with a skeleton crew and he can't afford to lose even a single other person, he's already working 70 hours a week and does business at home that's he's not even paid for. I really feel bad. He's been talking about wanting to promote me to assistant manage,even when he hired me weeks ago he said he needed to find a good fit for the role to alleviate at least some of the stress. I'm a great worker, years of experience in the field though nothing supervisory in nature. I'm a few months older than him and we get…

I've recently started working for a company in the midwest. Pay is horrible and corporate gives absolutely zero fucks for the hardships employees endure under their 'direction'. My manager is a good guy, very nice, constantly fighting for higher wages for workers because he realizes the awful pay has left him with a skeleton crew and he can't afford to lose even a single other person, he's already working 70 hours a week and does business at home that's he's not even paid for. I really feel bad.

He's been talking about wanting to promote me to assistant manage,even when he hired me weeks ago he said he needed to find a good fit for the role to alleviate at least some of the stress. I'm a great worker, years of experience in the field though nothing supervisory in nature. I'm a few months older than him and we get along great and he says he wants to move forward in making me AM.

I've tried to redirect the conversation and say I'm not too sure,but he's adamant and really needs help.

I don't want him to come to rely on me and when something happens he has no plan b. Truth be told, I plan on killing myself on the 25th and don't want him to be left completely blindsided.

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