
How do I tell work I’m really ill? They might just think I’m trying to get out of a commitment I’ve complained about

I think I have heat exhaustion. My hours have been doubled and I’m working somewhere sweltering hot with no aircon. I’m dizzy, I’m really sick, I have chest pains, I can focus on anything. I feel horrific all the time. But I’ve complained about my hours being doubled before so I’m worried if I tell my manager I feel so sick she’ll just think I’m trying to get out of it. What to do? How to put this?

I think I have heat exhaustion. My hours have been doubled and I’m working somewhere sweltering hot with no aircon. I’m dizzy, I’m really sick, I have chest pains, I can focus on anything. I feel horrific all the time.

But I’ve complained about my hours being doubled before so I’m worried if I tell my manager I feel so sick she’ll just think I’m trying to get out of it. What to do? How to put this?

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