
How do people who are in college get a part time job if most jobs get mad you cannot work 40+ hours or 7 days a week?

I'm self studying for the career i want with books and I intern 1 day a week. So basically i have 4 days I'm free to work I can literally do 35 hours but all the jobs i've applied too on indeed decline me saying “we need someone who can work 40 hours or 7 days a week.” I even mention I am ok doing 10 hour shifts for 3 of the days plus a 5 hour shift for the 4th day = 35 hours a week but i still get declined. I only apply to jobs that say part time, flexible on indeed. Yet when i apply they email me and say “they need someone who can work everyday” yet on indeed it says part time 😐 even tho i mention BEFOREHAND, i intern and self study with books/ material 3 days of the week and can't work those…

I'm self studying for the career i want with books and I intern 1 day a week. So basically i have 4 days I'm free to work I can literally do 35 hours but all the jobs i've applied too on indeed decline me saying “we need someone who can work 40 hours or 7 days a week.”

I even mention I am ok doing 10 hour shifts for 3 of the days plus a 5 hour shift for the 4th day = 35 hours a week but i still get declined. I only apply to jobs that say part time, flexible on indeed. Yet when i apply they email me and say “they need someone who can work everyday” yet on indeed it says part time 😐 even tho i mention BEFOREHAND, i intern and self study with books/ material 3 days of the week and can't work those days but mention the 4 days of the week(3 weekdays, 1 weekend) that i am available.

I really don't want to file for unemployment it seems wayyy more work than just applying to jobs. I also cannot do gig work(uber eats) bc i do not have a drivers license yet.

My other job ended yesterday it was seasonal. It is 1:16pm I've been up applying to jobs on indeed since 7am. Most have not replied back but a good chunk have declined me. I've been applying to jobs everyday for a month knowing my job was gonna end yesterday as it was seasonal.

Have you dealt with this too before?

I've literally applied to retail, food places, car washes, daycares, pet stores and have gotten declined.

The other issue is i've applied to everything nearby me and within 30 mins away. I cannot go further than 30 mins since i do not have a license yet/ no bus in this rural town and bc i sometimes can get rides from my parents but usually take a lyft/ uber.

What are you supposed to do when everything nearby you has declinded your application or you went to interviews(which i did too) and got declinded saying “you aren't what we're looking for”

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