
How do you curb quitting guilt?

Hey all, I’m a bit newer to the ideology of being anti-work, I’ve always hated the idea of being a stepping stool for the rich and want to spend more time enjoying my home life and family instead of being cooped in a tiny office. Unfortunately, that’s where I found myself as of recently, I won’t sit here and rant about how my job is miserable, the workplace environment can be suffocating and toxic as the office is so small I’m sharing walls with the CEO of the company. As you can expect, that leads to a very overbearing management system where it’s hard to get more than 3 seconds before I have the manager breathing over my shoulder. The job itself otherwise is easy, but for various reasons (planning to move a few hours out and getting cautious again about the pandemic) I’ve started looking into a switch over…

Hey all, I’m a bit newer to the ideology of being anti-work, I’ve always hated the idea of being a stepping stool for the rich and want to spend more time enjoying my home life and family instead of being cooped in a tiny office. Unfortunately, that’s where I found myself as of recently, I won’t sit here and rant about how my job is miserable, the workplace environment can be suffocating and toxic as the office is so small I’m sharing walls with the CEO of the company. As you can expect, that leads to a very overbearing management system where it’s hard to get more than 3 seconds before I have the manager breathing over my shoulder.

The job itself otherwise is easy, but for various reasons (planning to move a few hours out and getting cautious again about the pandemic) I’ve started looking into a switch over to online working. As of right now I’ve got the opportunity to interview with a company where I can work fully remote wherever I end up moving to, so I won’t need to jeopardize my financial standing on my mortgage. I’m keeping hopeful that I’ll get the job, but I’m starting to feel a lot of guilt about leaving my current one.

Like I said before, it’s a small office, there’s only 3 other people in my position, I’m the only full time worker, and one of the others is only seasonal during school breaks, so I feel like leaving them would put them in a bind and make me resented. I know that I shouldn’t let a corporate opinion keep me from a good opportunity, but I struggle a lot with public image.

So I’m coming here for some advice, how do you not care about that kind of opinion? More than likely I’m gonna be moving 2 hours away from the office, so going in for work every day will be off the table. I won’t have a choice but to leave at one point or another, so i wanna toughen up so when I have to put in that notice I’m not phased by the glare I’m certain to get from my upper management. What would you do in my shoes?

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