
How do you deal with your schedule being changed with only a few days notice?

Happens a lot for my coworkers and I. The schedule is known a few weeks in advance, which is nice. However, often a supervisor will say “just a heads up, the schedule changed for this week”, and sure enough, days off and times will be different, with just a few days notice. If I say no, what would the punishment be? What if I had plans/appointments etc? The way it’s mentioned bugs me too. They never say “hey I’m super sorry but can the schedule be changed this week for X reasons?” Nothing like that at all. Always “Heads up, the schedule changed just so you know” as if I have to just go with it and question nothing I have pictures of what the schedule should be sure, but what, if anything can be done about things changing with barely any notice? If I called two days before a…

Happens a lot for my coworkers and I.

The schedule is known a few weeks in advance, which is nice. However, often a supervisor will say “just a heads up, the schedule changed for this week”, and sure enough, days off and times will be different, with just a few days notice.

If I say no, what would the punishment be? What if I had plans/appointments etc?

The way it’s mentioned bugs me too. They never say “hey I’m super sorry but can the schedule be changed this week for X reasons?” Nothing like that at all. Always “Heads up, the schedule changed just so you know” as if I have to just go with it and question nothing

I have pictures of what the schedule should be sure, but what, if anything can be done about things changing with barely any notice?

If I called two days before a 10-7 shift and said I’ll be 8-5 instead, obviously that wouldn’t be ok with them

Please no replies of “just get a new job”, I don’t always believe those posts of quitting then finding a job with better hours/pay etc

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