
How do you even talk to your employer?

I don’t exactly like my job but it pays well and is in my field. I’ve been here just over 7 months and have already been talked to 3 times (2 by my manager, once by coworker) about the fact that I am expected to work over 40 hours a week as that is “just how it is.” This was not stated in my hiring documents. I’m salaried and exempt from overtime pay. So far I have gotten away with just nodding in a non-committal way and working my 8 hours. I don’t want to willing reduce my hourly pay for poor planning. I’m willing to work longer if I feel like it’s my fault (I was slow getting something done or I made a mistake). How do I explain this to them? For reference, I’m a younger woman and they are all near retirement men. Yes it is a…

I don’t exactly like my job but it pays well and is in my field. I’ve been here just over 7 months and have already been talked to 3 times (2 by my manager, once by coworker) about the fact that I am expected to work over 40 hours a week as that is “just how it is.” This was not stated in my hiring documents. I’m salaried and exempt from overtime pay. So far I have gotten away with just nodding in a non-committal way and working my 8 hours. I don’t want to willing reduce my hourly pay for poor planning. I’m willing to work longer if I feel like it’s my fault (I was slow getting something done or I made a mistake). How do I explain this to them? For reference, I’m a younger woman and they are all near retirement men. Yes it is a STEM field.

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