
How do you know if you are getting paid fairly?

So, I’m currently working in a Jack-of-all-trades position. It started as an admin assistant/accounting assistant/HR assistant at a multinational company (I’m bilingual). Now I’m all of the above, plus IT coordinator, IT Helpdesk, Salesforce administrator, sample processor, building maintenance, monthly meeting coordinator, on top of the above roles being greatly, greatly expanded. The management has changed over twice and both times I get saddled with more stuff because the new person who gets rotated in (it’s a planned rotation from the parent company) doesn’t know anything about how our office works. Plus we’ve done two significant system migrations in the past two years and I’ve handled both of them without a hitch. I love my job for the most part, but I’ve been fighting for a significant raise for 3 years and …. Basically, even with a small bump when I took on the IT stuff, I’m basically making about…

So, I’m currently working in a Jack-of-all-trades position. It started as an admin assistant/accounting assistant/HR assistant at a multinational company (I’m bilingual). Now I’m all of the above, plus IT coordinator, IT Helpdesk, Salesforce administrator, sample processor, building maintenance, monthly meeting coordinator, on top of the above roles being greatly, greatly expanded. The management has changed over twice and both times I get saddled with more stuff because the new person who gets rotated in (it’s a planned rotation from the parent company) doesn’t know anything about how our office works. Plus we’ve done two significant system migrations in the past two years and I’ve handled both of them without a hitch.

I love my job for the most part, but I’ve been fighting for a significant raise for 3 years and …. Basically, even with a small bump when I took on the IT stuff, I’m basically making about 6k more annually than when I started (5 years ago). I consider that I’d be overpaid as a plain Jane admin assistant, but considering all my extra responsibilities and skills, it’s frigging impossible to use any tools or online resources to estimate what my salary should be.

Addendum: I’m so burned out I could puke. I’ve tried telling my boss (with backup from my therapist in the form of a note) that I need to scale things back, but he wants me to either list my daily duties and how much time each one takes me (as if I have time for that) or deal with it, since I refuse to stay late without a really good reason and I bust my ass to get things done promptly. Essentially he doesn’t have any complaints with my work so he doesn’t see the problem. Cue a bit of malicious compliance, but…. Honestly I’d rather just see if I can get justification for a bigger check.

I’m nervous about disclosing my actual pay, but I have no idea what I should be making.

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