
How do you manage a full work day with a difficult work environment and not feel completely drained as well as in pain?

Okay, so first of all I'm not sure if this is the right Reddit community or not so feel free to delete my post if it doesn't fit. So, I (23, live in Germany) just finished my apprenticeship this year in February as a porcelain painter. I stayed at the company because I wasn't able to find a different job even though I already knew I dislike it. So I am working 38 hours a week (7am to 3.5 pm) and I feel extremely drained. I was working the same time while being an apprentice but didn't feel as tired as I'm now. Well, I guess the environment was better. I got along with most of the other apprentices (even got two new friends) and the ones responsible for us were nice as well. And the work was less monotone. We had breaks from work when we visited school and…

Okay, so first of all I'm not sure if this is the right Reddit community or not so feel free to delete my post if it doesn't fit.
So, I (23, live in Germany) just finished my apprenticeship this year in February as a porcelain painter. I stayed at the company because I wasn't able to find a different job even though I already knew I dislike it.
So I am working 38 hours a week (7am to 3.5 pm) and I feel extremely drained. I was working the same time while being an apprentice but didn't feel as tired as I'm now. Well, I guess the environment was better. I got along with most of the other apprentices (even got two new friends) and the ones responsible for us were nice as well. And the work was less monotone. We had breaks from work when we visited school and different tasks at work.
Now my work is extremely boring as well as stressful. I get around 12 – 20 pieces of the same table wäre and have to paint them with the same motive. But I have a time limit that I can spend on them. Since I'm relatively new I'm not able to get this done inside the limit. We'll, I spend alot longer than they want. So my boss is already nagging me about being to slow. But if I paint faster I'm also not able to meet the quality that they expect. So I'm either way to slow or just messy. Add to that that I'm also in alot of pain from sitting 9 hours+ in an unnatural position. My shoulders hurt so much as well as my legs.
But just to make it worst my coworkers are really difficult as well. Most of them are above 50 and seem to really dislike me for a unknown reason. For example I called in sick for 2 weeks a day after being transferred because I struggled with a major depressive episode. My friend then told me one of them made a nasty comment about me not being able to get out of bed implying I'm lazy and unorganized because I'm young.
This isn't the only instance. They is alot of talking behind our backs.
I feel extremely uncomfortable at work to the point I do not want to got to work or am thinking about calling in sick for a month or more. But the worst thing is that I do not have any energy left outside of work. I'm not able to keep my flat clean nor enjoy doing anything in my rare freetime.
So how do you deel with that? Or what am I supposed to do?

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