
How do you tell your boss you quit in a professional but “fuck you” kinda way? – Also looking for advice for manager not writing down work injury

This question is for a friends current situation, but I've always wanted to know myself too. Short info: my friend is from the UK, he had a pretty bad experience. One thing was that he hurt his back from lifting at work, his manager didn't put the injury in the injury-book and made it impossible for him to get anything healthcare wise started since its not listed as a “work-injury” in that damn book. They behaved like asses whenever his back pain went worse from the lifting and try to guilt trip him into “not pulling his weight” around there. I am very certain that this is all kinds of wrong, and he deserves to get better treatment. He also wants to quit. He has autism, which they used against him to make him when he was healing his back by force to lift things again, acted like his health…

This question is for a friends current situation, but I've always wanted to know myself too.
Short info: my friend is from the UK, he had a pretty bad experience.
One thing was that he hurt his back from lifting at work, his manager didn't put the injury in the injury-book and made it impossible for him to get anything healthcare wise started since its not listed as a “work-injury” in that damn book. They behaved like asses whenever his back pain went worse from the lifting and try to guilt trip him into “not pulling his weight” around there.

I am very certain that this is all kinds of wrong, and he deserves to get better treatment. He also wants to quit. He has autism, which they used against him to make him when he was healing his back by force to lift things again, acted like his health and pain was not as bad as he said, and even the boss “called him in to do manuals because its not fair on everyone else” – his statement when i asked today what happened.

The fact they manipulate him and use language that makes him feel like the bad guy for trying to protect his health is awful, and he, after me and other friends gently told him that his health will be there his whole life, that job wont, he realized he values being treated better than that.

I asked him if he has a number to write to to just quit instantly, but there's only the stores number. Email perhaps? And how do you write a professional “Fuck you, I quit!”?

Should he do anything else first? His doctor is pretty bad with him too, and since its not listed as a injury on the workplace, getting a doctors note not to lift heavy or anything else was impossible. How do you get that fixed?
I am BTW not native English so i apologize for mistakes.
I just want my friend to get better treatment.
Thank you for your advice!

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