
How does anyone even have the will to live anymore?

I am busting my ass so that I can continue living a miserable existence that I can’t even afford. Life is already so hard. How could the people at the top be so evil to want to make it literally impossible? Life is already full of pain and suffering not related to paying bills. I would have run off into the woods somewhere if I didn’t have a dog to take care of. I don’t know how the suicide rate isn’t any higher with the way everything is. Every single day I think about what I can do to make just one part of my life better and I come up with nothing. Everything that I could do to improve my circumstances takes money and then a monthly increase in money as well which I would have already done if it were possible. America has done a spectacular job at…

I am busting my ass so that I can continue living a miserable existence that I can’t even afford.

Life is already so hard. How could the people at the top be so evil to want to make it literally impossible?

Life is already full of pain and suffering not related to paying bills. I would have run off into the woods somewhere if I didn’t have a dog to take care of. I don’t know how the suicide rate isn’t any higher with the way everything is.

Every single day I think about what I can do to make just one part of my life better and I come up with nothing. Everything that I could do to improve my circumstances takes money and then a monthly increase in money as well which I would have already done if it were possible.

America has done a spectacular job at breaking everyone’s spirit and sending us all into crippling debt and depression.

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