
How does my situation compare to most Americans?

So, to sum up my situation: I'm European. I earn 45k euros / 50k dollars a year in France by being a product owner, got a BA and a MA (salary will sound low for Americans but it's actually quite ok in France, even in IT), I live in a major city (Lyon), I don't pay a rent as I live in a 1000 sqft appartment bought by my dad when he was younger (he lives in a different city, where he's retired, and doesn't want to rent the place, so I live here). That allows me to save more or less 1000 euros per month after all expenses are taken into account, I live quite comfortably, I have time to go out a lot, do stuff with my friends yada yada yada. The only issue (but I'm not complaining) that I have is that I'm not saving a lot…

So, to sum up my situation:

I'm European. I earn 45k euros / 50k dollars a year in France by being a product owner, got a BA and a MA (salary will sound low for Americans but it's actually quite ok in France, even in IT), I live in a major city (Lyon), I don't pay a rent as I live in a 1000 sqft appartment bought by my dad when he was younger (he lives in a different city, where he's retired, and doesn't want to rent the place, so I live here).
That allows me to save more or less 1000 euros per month after all expenses are taken into account, I live quite comfortably, I have time to go out a lot, do stuff with my friends yada yada yada.
The only issue (but I'm not complaining) that I have is that I'm not saving a lot obviously, but eventually I suppose it will still amount to a decent amount in several decades.

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