
How does this community feel about Jacque Fresco’s Venus Project?

I won't post a link, as it's easily searched on Google and YT. when I first stumbled upon this project in 2014, I was immediately hooked. The idea of a society run on science and not beliefs. where fundamental human necessities were provided to everyone. where scientists, engineers, technicians come together to actually solve real problems now and don't spend months or years debating on a senate floor. a resource based economy that takes into account all our natural resources and can allocate the necessary resources to all countries that need them. there shouldn't be first and third world countries. everyone can have a standard of living that not even all the people in first world countries have. this isn't to say that work would be abolished. we obviously still need all these techs and engineers and scientists, all the STEM fields essentially, as they are the ones that really…

I won't post a link, as it's easily searched on Google and YT. when I first stumbled upon this project in 2014, I was immediately hooked. The idea of a society run on science and not beliefs. where fundamental human necessities were provided to everyone. where scientists, engineers, technicians come together to actually solve real problems now and don't spend months or years debating on a senate floor.

a resource based economy that takes into account all our natural resources and can allocate the necessary resources to all countries that need them. there shouldn't be first and third world countries. everyone can have a standard of living that not even all the people in first world countries have.

this isn't to say that work would be abolished. we obviously still need all these techs and engineers and scientists, all the STEM fields essentially, as they are the ones that really make the world run. they provide our electricity through their generators and windmills solar panel tech, etc. a society like this would have no need for so many “careers” or “jobs”. Most financial services, insurance services, medical/legal billing services, and so many more would not exist. we would value education towards the professions that serve a purpose. more people will be free to be creative and artistic when their basic human needs (food/water, shelter, Healthcare) are met.

instead of 40 hour work weeks, there are enough able-bodied/minded people on earth that realistically only a fraction of them would be needed to maintain the system. and I'm thinking like 1 day a week, almost like a volunteering basis. there more than enough people to do this and I know I would gladly give one day a week doing something that benefited my community.

obviously it's not perfect. everyone talks about Transition pains and how someone is always going to want more than someone else. and to that I say, if you want more, do more. like a credit system. if you donate 1 day a week to do whatever task you can do that is required for our community, you get all the basics. food, shelter, healthcare, etc. but say you donate 2 days, you can get credits that could allow you a personal vehical, if you don't want to take public transport, or maybe an upgraded house with more room. this would incentivize people positively. but I'm just an average Joe that knows life should be so much more than the daily grind.

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