
How entitled is asking a write-up on a weekend as a first level screening?

I applied for a research position and received a reply today (Friday afternoon). As part of the first screening process, I am to submit a two page write-up by next Monday, 12 PM. So that leaves me with Saturday and Sunday to work on the literature review and complete the write-up. I am pissed, extremely tempted to write back asking them to fuck off, but also need a job soon. Maybe I will do the assignment, but I also don't want to not say anything either. Any suggestions on what I can write so that they get the message but won't be pissed enough to remember me (the development sector in my county is a pretty small network).

I applied for a research position and received a reply today (Friday afternoon). As part of the first screening process, I am to submit a two page write-up by next Monday, 12 PM. So that leaves me with Saturday and Sunday to work on the literature review and complete the write-up. I am pissed, extremely tempted to write back asking them to fuck off, but also need a job soon.

Maybe I will do the assignment, but I also don't want to not say anything either. Any suggestions on what I can write so that they get the message but won't be pissed enough to remember me (the development sector in my county is a pretty small network).

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