
How is this remotely okay?

So working at a certain retail store, I’m generally outside about 90% of the time, regardless of rain, hail, shine, sleet, or snow. (Yay, the joys of working retail.) Recently work had attempted to make a bulletin. “Requiring all associates must wear store-related clothing.” Not a problem, I don’t mind the dress code. But in the store website, it states “when working outside, associates are permitted to wear “personal” jackets/hoodies.” (So long as it isn’t anything offensive, gang-related, basically a school dress code.) Recently a manager has been attempting to “crack down” (as she worded it) on dress code violations. She doesn’t believe the website, even after googling it and showing her. I’ve tried calling HR, who didn’t answer the phone and hasn’t replied to any emails I’ve sent. Instead, she demands I pay $30 for a “store jacket that is compliant with store policy.” Given the hours (or rather,…

So working at a certain retail store, I’m generally outside about 90% of the time, regardless of rain, hail, shine, sleet, or snow. (Yay, the joys of working retail.)

Recently work had attempted to make a bulletin. “Requiring all associates must wear store-related clothing.” Not a problem, I don’t mind the dress code. But in the store website, it states “when working outside, associates are permitted to wear “personal” jackets/hoodies.” (So long as it isn’t anything offensive, gang-related, basically a school dress code.)

Recently a manager has been attempting to “crack down” (as she worded it) on dress code violations. She doesn’t believe the website, even after googling it and showing her. I’ve tried calling HR, who didn’t answer the phone and hasn’t replied to any emails I’ve sent.

Instead, she demands I pay $30 for a “store jacket that is compliant with store policy.” Given the hours (or rather, pack thereof) they’ve given me, there’s no way I can afford that. “That’s fine, we’ll rock it from your (already small) paycheck, not a problem.”

I doubt there’s anything I can really do about this. Currently I’m looking for a new job with better hours/better pay.

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