
How is this sustainable?

I work entry level wages at an entry level position. Due to unforseen circumstances and the fact I'm a dad I took this job in january to make ends meet for a bit while I get back on my feet. Anyways the industry is full of really unreliable people. People will interview for a position and not show up their first day. People work for a week and a half and quit constantly b/c another job opened closer to their house, stuff like that. Well after 2 weeks, one of these unreliables decided to quit because she found a job closer to her house. After the manager had inflated her to be the next 'keyholder' and potential pick for next manager. We were all pretty stoked to have her on board. And she quit, because that's how this industry is. So yesterday 5pm the manager calls us up to the…

I work entry level wages at an entry level position. Due to unforseen circumstances and the fact I'm a dad I took this job in january to make ends meet for a bit while I get back on my feet.

Anyways the industry is full of really unreliable people. People will interview for a position and not show up their first day. People work for a week and a half and quit constantly b/c another job opened closer to their house, stuff like that.

Well after 2 weeks, one of these unreliables decided to quit because she found a job closer to her house. After the manager had inflated her to be the next 'keyholder' and potential pick for next manager. We were all pretty stoked to have her on board. And she quit, because that's how this industry is.

So yesterday 5pm the manager calls us up to the 'board', says the timesheet is changing, and I have to come in today at 10am, instead of 3pm. I'm the only person that's married and has a child in this workplace. I”m also the oldest. I was leaving my kid at grandma's house til school starts, but since the timesheet was published last week, I gave my mother my timeline just so she knows what days she has my daughter. my mother went ahead and scheduled some medical appointments this morning b/c I was supposed to be able to play dad all morning til about 2pm when I was to drop her off and head to work, where my wife would pick her up around 3pm when she gets out of her job.

Now with this last minute change I had to scramble to find child care, since she's not 'enrolled' it's going to cost $130 for the hours she's gonna have to spend there today, which is more than what I make going to work the full hours today.

I'm literally paying extra money out of pocket to go to work today. It's going to cost more to go to work, than just calling in sick. I'm incurring extra costs which I literally can't afford b/c I'm freaking broke and the owner is begging me to not quit immediately.

how is this economy sustainable? i'm quitting soon I had another offer for a 'serious' job in my field of experience which I backed off from because I'm going through some personal stuff and I'm not ready for it. I don't have a choice now. Spoke to that supervisor today might be able to start around mid september.

this is just so incredibly demoralizing.

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