
How long can I be out of work if im sick?

Covid and the flu have been rampant at my job. I work part time at a busy place. But I also get bronchitis around this time and it could be that. At 2am I woke up violently coughing. Got worse once 8am hit. Now im struggling with aches, pains, sweating, freezing. My chest burns and I can't inhale normally. Covid test came back negative and now I'm stressed with how much work I'm allowed to miss because I feel like absolute shit. Who do I contact? Manager? HR? I feel like an idiot and I really don't want to get fired.

Covid and the flu have been rampant at my job. I work part time at a busy place. But I also get bronchitis around this time and it could be that.

At 2am I woke up violently coughing. Got worse once 8am hit. Now im struggling with aches, pains, sweating, freezing. My chest burns and I can't inhale normally.

Covid test came back negative and now I'm stressed with how much work I'm allowed to miss because I feel like absolute shit.

Who do I contact? Manager? HR?

I feel like an idiot and I really don't want to get fired.

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