
How long do you give a new job you don’t like?

A couple weeks? A month? I'm on my second week at a new job, and maybe it's just because my mental health is spiraling but I am not enjoying it like I thought I would/should. But I feel like a failure for wanting to leave so soon. I live at home with my folks, and do have some money saved up, so I'm considering taking some time to myself to get my life and mental well-being on track, but part of me feels like I should just stick it out and feel fortunate for even having a job

A couple weeks? A month? I'm on my second week at a new job, and maybe it's just because my mental health is spiraling but I am not enjoying it like I thought I would/should. But I feel like a failure for wanting to leave so soon. I live at home with my folks, and do have some money saved up, so I'm considering taking some time to myself to get my life and mental well-being on track, but part of me feels like I should just stick it out and feel fortunate for even having a job

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