
How long do you wait for a promotion?

I met with a regional manager after my 3-month review about a promotion to one level higher than I am now. Nothing came of it, which was fine because I was still new. Now here I am, just hit 6 months and I know way more about my job than I did at 3 months. 3 weeks ago my manager said they were talking with the regional manager again about getting me promoted – because my office needs it. Nothing has come of it since. I am essentially doing the work that I would be doing if I was promoted, just without a higher pay and without the title. How much longer do I wait before I give up and find a new job??

I met with a regional manager after my 3-month review about a promotion to one level higher than I am now. Nothing came of it, which was fine because I was still new. Now here I am, just hit 6 months and I know way more about my job than I did at 3 months. 3 weeks ago my manager said they were talking with the regional manager again about getting me promoted – because my office needs it. Nothing has come of it since. I am essentially doing the work that I would be doing if I was promoted, just without a higher pay and without the title. How much longer do I wait before I give up and find a new job??

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