
How long until society reaches it breaking point?

I'm in my early/mid 30s now. I've been grinding hard almost non stop since ~2008. By grinding hard I mean working overtime. When I was fresh out of high school I worked 60+ hour weeks and went to trade school at night. I kept that up for 3 years until I graduated. Then I continued to work overtime in my trade for another 3 or 4 years. Afterwards I took a huge pay cut, ~50%, to escape an industry and work conditions that made me miserable. I've been grinding away in restaurants ever since sometime in 2015. I'm currently making ~40k at my main job and another ~10k at my second job, I play in a cover band and repair guitars/amps on the side. I don't have an off day. I've NEVER had a vacation. I've had mental breakdowns, quit my job and lived off a couple grand in savings…

I'm in my early/mid 30s now. I've been grinding hard almost non stop since ~2008. By grinding hard I mean working overtime.

When I was fresh out of high school I worked 60+ hour weeks and went to trade school at night. I kept that up for 3 years until I graduated. Then I continued to work overtime in my trade for another 3 or 4 years.

Afterwards I took a huge pay cut, ~50%, to escape an industry and work conditions that made me miserable. I've been grinding away in restaurants ever since sometime in 2015.

I'm currently making ~40k at my main job and another ~10k at my second job, I play in a cover band and repair guitars/amps on the side.

I don't have an off day. I've NEVER had a vacation. I've had mental breakdowns, quit my job and lived off a couple grand in savings for as long as possible just to level out and keep myself from having an even worse mental break that might end in commiting acts of violence against myself.

All I've ever asked of society is comfort at 40 hours- just allow me enough time to have and enjoy hobbies, a little leisure and a vacation maybe twice a decade and some health insurance maybe I could pursue a degree at some point because that's been a life long dream.

But instead I'm in this spot where inflation in conjunction with predatory landlords/banks and oppressive wages of the owner class is strangling the life and any hope I had left out of me as I work myself to the bone.

And I hate this but for weeks all I can do is daydream about revenge. I don't even dream of equality or better days anymore. It's been 15 years of dreaming of better days, now I can't stop dreaming of how to make the lives of oppressors worse. All I can do is ponder how to take what I need from them or at least cut them down to my level.

I know that's dark and probably immoral but I hate them. I hate the owner class, I hate politicians, I hate celebrities, I hate the legal system, I hate people who support the whole charade ideologically.

How much longer until I'm not the only one breaking? How much longer until something gets done?

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