
How many of us here work in food service?

It really seems like while a majority of the people here are office workers, I'd say the other biggest group judging by posts and comments is food workers. I myself was radicalized after a horribly abusive job that I worked 55 to 60 hours a week at, and got paid a flat 40 every week. Bit was always gaslighted about my abilities, reasons why, and whatvwas happening. I only really woke up to it when I got another job. Its better, but it's similar problems. No one will communicate with you. Yet expect you to JUMP when they forgot to tell you how high and when. I've already made it clear to my manager, I'm not the one to play with. Cause I know these games. If you comply once, you comply a thousand times over. They will use you and beat you to nothing. The middle managers are selfish.…

It really seems like while a majority of the people here are office workers, I'd say the other biggest group judging by posts and comments is food workers. I myself was radicalized after a horribly abusive job that I worked 55 to 60 hours a week at, and got paid a flat 40 every week. Bit was always gaslighted about my abilities, reasons why, and whatvwas happening. I only really woke up to it when I got another job. Its better, but it's similar problems.

No one will communicate with you. Yet expect you to JUMP when they forgot to tell you how high and when. I've already made it clear to my manager, I'm not the one to play with. Cause I know these games. If you comply once, you comply a thousand times over. They will use you and beat you to nothing. The middle managers are selfish. They operate what works in THEIR best interest. Whatever makes them look the best, whatever gets them the most pay for the least work, whatever they can do to do less while you sweat next to the oven. They move things around. Change the schedule up, reorganize the stations, keep you off balance so you're just trying to make it through your shift.

My 90 days is coming up. And these people cant find a line cook to run the line, let alone find someone to replace me. I am a good worker, and I love what I do. But I see the problems I will have to deal with, plus they have seen how I can work. They can decide if it's worth keeping me, or getting rid of me to throw my shit head middle manager back into the fire. And he, simply, won't be able to take it. This post has gone off the rails… I needed to vent. Thanks for reading, comment for an upvote from me friend. And stay strong fellow food service workers.

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