
How many of us still shop on Amazon and eat fast food?

I've been thinking a lot about how wealth is accumulated through our current economic system of capitalism. We as consumers willfully make purchases we want. In turn, wealth is accumulated and some lucky few become ridiculously rich. This forum talks a lot about capitalistic exploitation, through things like price gouging. I think if we as a movement want to change things for the better we need to change our lifestyles. Why do we continue to eat fast food and shop on Amazon, effectively feeding the machine we seek to kill?

I've been thinking a lot about how wealth is accumulated through our current economic system of capitalism. We as consumers willfully make purchases we want. In turn, wealth is accumulated and some lucky few become ridiculously rich.

This forum talks a lot about capitalistic exploitation, through things like price gouging. I think if we as a movement want to change things for the better we need to change our lifestyles. Why do we continue to eat fast food and shop on Amazon, effectively feeding the machine we seek to kill?

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