
How Many of You Have Lied on Your Resume And Gotten Away With It?

I've been thinking about saying screw it, and faking some stuff on my resume. I'm sick of surviving, and while the trades would be awesome to get into, the starting wage where I am is about $16/hr. I'm thinking about adding some kind of degree/college diploma on there so I can get a job that can actually help me move forward and pay off my debt Has anyone else done anything like this? What industry would be the easiest to not get caught?

I've been thinking about saying screw it, and faking some stuff on my resume. I'm sick of surviving, and while the trades would be awesome to get into, the starting wage where I am is about $16/hr.

I'm thinking about adding some kind of degree/college diploma on there so I can get a job that can actually help me move forward and pay off my debt

Has anyone else done anything like this? What industry would be the easiest to not get caught?

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