
How many REAL jobs does your company have?

I think this is how we need to start framing it, we need to shame them not beg for us. Most employers know that some jobs are temporary, they aren't “real” jobs they are some kind of bridge or experience gathering or stop gap measure. the employer gets to get that work done cheaply but the trade-off is that they know it wont be done well and they won't keep people for long in those positions so there's a recruiting overhead to this cheap labor benefit. what most employers DO NOT realize is that MOST of their jobs aren't real jobs. a real job is one that pays enough for one person to support a family. bare minimum the pay would have to be 3x the cost of widely available 2br apartments within 30min of work (pro tip, remote solves this problem). its ok if you offer a couple apprenticeships…

I think this is how we need to start framing it, we need to shame them not beg for us. Most employers know that some jobs are temporary, they aren't “real” jobs they are some kind of bridge or experience gathering or stop gap measure. the employer gets to get that work done cheaply but the trade-off is that they know it wont be done well and they won't keep people for long in those positions so there's a recruiting overhead to this cheap labor benefit.

what most employers DO NOT realize is that MOST of their jobs aren't real jobs. a real job is one that pays enough for one person to support a family. bare minimum the pay would have to be 3x the cost of widely available 2br apartments within 30min of work (pro tip, remote solves this problem). its ok if you offer a couple apprenticeships or summer jobs for kids but if your accountant, your IT guy, your marketing manager? are all struggling and have to have a 2 income household? you don't have a REAL company. companies that aren't real, go under.

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