
How many times a year (or month) do you guys call out of work?

I have issues 🙂 I get bad migraines almost every other day (currently in a trial and error time period for meditations) and there are some I can handle and some I just simply can’t function at all. I also get a severely bad “time of the month.” On top of these things, I go through wicked insomnia phases which is my current issue. I haven’t slept, I truthfully told my manager that I was having severely bad anxiety and felt ashamed to call out and she said it was okay and asked me to do some work from home which is perfectly fine. I average about calling out once a month… I personally don’t even think that’s so horrible especially in this day and age. I also sometimes ask to work from HOME on top of calling out that one day a month, but that’s not even technically calling…

I have issues 🙂 I get bad migraines almost every other day (currently in a trial and error time period for meditations) and there are some I can handle and some I just simply can’t function at all. I also get a severely bad “time of the month.” On top of these things, I go through wicked insomnia phases which is my current issue. I haven’t slept, I truthfully told my manager that I was having severely bad anxiety and felt ashamed to call out and she said it was okay and asked me to do some work from home which is perfectly fine.

I average about calling out once a month… I personally don’t even think that’s so horrible especially in this day and age. I also sometimes ask to work from HOME on top of calling out that one day a month, but that’s not even technically calling out, right? I’m just asking to work from home. I’ve been at this job for almost four years and have a decent relationship with my manager. There’s this other miserable being who tries to make things difficult for me and always has comments to make about me which is very annoying.

How much do you guys call out? Am I completely delusional in thinking calling out once a month isn’t so bad?

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