
How millennials made $5 trillion in 2 years.

Thoughts? I usually like Axios, but I’d like to see a breakdown of to whom those $5t went to. To be transparent, I am a millennial who squeaked into my first house in 2016, and that has definitely let me ride the current wave from selling it to purchasing my second house in 2020. Military, so hardly ‘rolling in cash’ but I’d be lying if I said I was in any kind of truly desperate straights.

Thoughts? I usually like Axios, but I’d like to see a breakdown of to whom those $5t went to.
To be transparent, I am a millennial who squeaked into my first house in 2016, and that has definitely let me ride the current wave from selling it to purchasing my second house in 2020. Military, so hardly ‘rolling in cash’ but I’d be lying if I said I was in any kind of truly desperate straights.

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